Welcome to the Collaborative R&D Environment for Physics There is a scheduled maintenance between 19:00 to 21:00 BST on 28 June 2024. During this time the website is unavailable. If you wish to contact us, please email corde@phy.cam.ac.uk. The booking system is still available for existing users. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Part of […]
Contact Us
Contact Us Please complete the short form below, which is routed to the appropriate member of staff, and a member of the CORDE team will be in touch soon. We aim to respond within 1-2 business days. The University of Cambridge will use your email address to keep you up to date with CORDE news […]

B-SHeM Brief description The SHeM is an atom microscope that resembles a miniaturised atom scattering beamline. Most of the system is under high (inc. sample chamber) and ultra-high vacuum and involves scattering a microscale atom beam off a sample. Samples are mounted on standard, or modified, SEM sample stubs. The facility operates two SHeMs and […]
SpinEcho Brief description The SpinEcho is an atom beam line that uses He-3 to perform atom scattering experiments. The experiment is performed under high and ultra-high vacuum and involves scattering a polarised beam of helium (He-3) atoms off the sample. A custom sample transfer (compatible with MiniScat) is used for mounting samples within the scattering […]
Access and Payment
Access and payment The first step to getting access with a new project is to contact us and discuss your work package; you can use our short contact form to start this conversation. Contact Us How you access CORDE facilities depends on the operating mode you choose. User Mode You can access some facilities directly as […]
Atom Scattering
Atom Scattering The Cambridge Atom Scattering and Atom Microscopy Facility enables users to perform structure and dynamics measurements in the active field of 2D materials and surfaces, using ultra-delicate helium atom scattering methods. Key features: A wide range of measurements is possible, although the main focus is on helium spin-echo (HeSE) dynamics measurements and scanning […]
About CORDE Welcome from the Director It is a great pleasure to welcome you to CORDE, the new collaborative R&D environment for physics at the Cavendish Laboratory, providing research facilities for everyone. CORDE is your gateway to outstanding capabilities for flexible nanofabrication, characterisation and precision fabrication. It is open to all physical sciences research communities. […]